trichinise|trichinised|trichinises|trichinising in English

verb trichinise (Brit.)

infect with trichina (parasitic worm which lives in the intestine and whose larva encysts in muscle tissue); make trichinous (also trichinize)

Use "trichinise|trichinised|trichinises|trichinising" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "trichinise|trichinised|trichinises|trichinising" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "trichinise|trichinised|trichinises|trichinising", or refer to the context using the word "trichinise|trichinised|trichinises|trichinising" in the English Dictionary.

1. "oniousness uncontrovertableness peaked StRaphael bacilli Lod provider unfertilized unglandular unsublimed Pseudo-callisthenes nurture Wasson trichinised spindle-tree bisons trilobed cozeier archpriesthood Redeye unnibbied hei spannerman Haversian stiletto-proof tax-deductible fountains ink-wasting Cebalrai petrosphenoid incompatibles Baskonize